View Full Version : Những câu nói nổi tiếng của nhân vật trong FF

26-02-2006, 12:21 AM
Source:sưu tầm từ ffvn hồi xưa
"Warriors, Revive the power of the orbs!"
- A Townsfolk from FF1
"I, Garland will knock you all down!"
- Garland from FF1

"Nobody touches my princess!"
- Garland from FF1

"Okay you got me. Take my ship!"
- Bikke the Pirate from FF1

"?rewop taerg evah uoy oD"
- A broom from FF1

"Small things trouble small minds"
-Benjamin from FF2

"We've got nothing else to live for... our family... our homes... gone."
- Guy from FF2

"My name is Gordon, late prince of Kashuon. Now I'm but a lowly coward..."
- Gordon from FF2

"I am Paul, the world's greatest thief. There's nothing I can't steal!"
- Paul from FF2

"Ouch! We've fallen in a pit! Shucks..."
- Light Warriors from FF3

"You are the ones chosen to keep this hope. You must not let this world disappear"
- Wind Crystal from FF3

"You can have your little whore, Rosa, back."
- Cain from FF4

"I am just a Dark Knight with no courage to disobey his king."
- Cecil from FF4

"Cecil! Let me show you the courage you've taught me!"
- Edward from FF4

"You spoony bard!"
- Tellah from FF4

"I don't believe I'm spending my life to defeat… YOU!"
- Tellah from FF4

"We were sent by our master to spy on…"
- Palom from FF4

"Ahem! Help guide Cecil through Mt. Ordeals."
- Porom from FF4

"I do not perish!"
- Golbez from FF4

"Golbez! I'll show you the fireworks of Cid, the Master Engineer!"
- Cid from FF4

"Stop it! No more! I've had enough! Tellah…. Yang… and even Cid! We lost them all… All!"
- Rydia from FF4

"Thanks girl! You are cute, too!"
- Edge from FF4

"Give me a break."
- Rydia from FF4

"Golbez! So he's the one behind all this! I'm gonna go get him!"
- Edge from FF4

"Can't we do anything anymore?"
- Rydia from FF4

"Here we are! We dwarves shall fight for mother Earth!"
- King Giott from FF4

"I cannot be resting while you're fighting! Count me in!"
- Yang from FF4

"Watch out! Here I come!"
- Cid from FF4

"I didn't live 700 years for nothing!"
- Gill from FF5

"Say what you want but I bet you just want to be with this girl!"
- Galuf from FF5

"Hey there old man, I think it was YOU!"
- Bartz from FF5

"Beer, beer!!"
- Pirates from FF5

"What's wrong with you two? Snap out of it!"
- Faris from FF5

"If anything should happen to me, don't tell Bartz about the Crystals..."
- Drogan from FF5

"I used the last of my special gunpowder...to find out the other side of the wall was just another cell...?"
- Cid from FF5

"In this world, there are many like me who have killed their emotions. Don't forget that."
- Shadow from FF6

"But what fun is it if no 'precious' lives are lost?"
- Kefka from FF6

"He says wait. Do I look like a waiter?"
- Kefka from FF6

"Not a word to anyone about this o shrouded one!"
- Locke from FF6

"That old psycho Ramuh came to me in a dream and told me to be expecting you guys."
- Mog from FF6

"You know, that's a tough question. You see, there are more girls than grains of sand out here that I can't keep track of them all."
- Edgar from FF6

"Food! Food! Bring me everything you got!"
- Sabin from FF6

"But I want to know what love is now!"
- Terra from FF6

"I'm not like that!"
- Cyan from FF6

"This should be fun. When do we leave?"
- Gogo from FF6

"What a fuddy duddy!"
- Relm from FF6

"My life is a chip in your pile. Ante up!"
- Setzer from FF6

"You want to live in this world the way it is? No? Then do something about it!"
- Celes from FF6

"There's nothing like the sound of hundreds of voices screaming in unison."
- Kefka from FF6

"I thought you all were feeding worms!"
- Mog from FF6

"You think a measly thing like the end of the world was going to do me in?"
- Sabin from FF6

"Me like dance! You good leader!"
- Gau from FF6

"Hurry up Mr. Thou! We're leaving!"
- Gau from FF6

"You must cast away the anguish you've been holding for so long. Today I set your heart free."
- Rachel from FF6

"In this world, there are many like me who have killed their emotions. Don't forget that."
- Shadow from Final Fantasy 6

26-02-2006, 12:22 AM
"If I were alone, this wouldn't be a thang but I gotta reputation to protect!"
- Barret from FF7

"Don't go thinkin' you so bad jes cuz you was in SOLDIER."
- Barret from FF7

"Whenever I'm in trouble, my hero will come and rescue me."
- Tifa from FF7

"Would you please leave here tonight? Without telling Aeris."
- Elmyra from FF7

"...Was I created this way too?"
- Sephiroth from FF7

"Out of my way. I'm going to see my mother."
- Sephiroth from FF7

"I challenged Sephiroth and lived. Why didn't he kill me?"
- Cloud from FF7

"Gya haa haa!"
- Heidegger from FF7

"How cute!!"
- Aeris from FF7

"There's no need to listen. Pay for your crime down below!!"
- Dio from FF7

"I hear her voice, Eleanor's voice. Begging me...not to hate your rotten guts."
- Dyne from FF7

"They're here! They're really here!"
- Elena from FF7

"More nightmares will come to me now. More than I previously had."
- Vincent from FF7

"You out of your +&$^$# mind!? That's my most cherished possession. I can't let you take it."
- Cid from FF7

"Sit down and drink your goddamn TEA!"
- Cid from FF7

"Even the booze tastes bad now...."
- Rude from FF7

"And let me handle Sephiroth."
- Aeris from FF7

"You spikey headed jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!"
- Yuffie from FF7

"I'm not here for a lecture. Let's just do it."
- Cloud Strife from FF7

"It's not my problem."
- Cloud Strife from FF7

"I don't care what your names are....once this job's done, I'm outta here."
- Cloud Strife from FF7

26-02-2006, 12:22 AM
- Squall from FF8

"As long as you don't get your hopes up, you can take anything... You feel less pain."
-Squall from FF8

"Women... I don't understand them."
- Squall's thoughts from FF8

"I dreamt I was a moron"
- Squall from FF8

"Just another stupid story by a boring adult."
- Squall from FF8

"That sounds really, really weird."
- Zell from FF8

"Oh, what an easy life it must be, just to follow orders..."
- Rinoa from FF8

"Shut your damn mouth! You chicken!"
- Seifer from FF8

- Zell from FF8

"It's gonna blow! Run for it!!!"
- Laguna from FF8

"Seems to me like there's a whole bunch of losers here."
- Zell from FF8

"Are you MAD!?"
- Selphie from FF8

"I'm not having anyone talk about me in the past tense!"
- Squall from FF8

"Failure is not an option."
- Martine from FF8

"Well, fine then! We WILL have a good time!"
- Selphie from FF8

"Irvy Kinnepooo! I'll make you happy!"
- Selphie from FF8

26-02-2006, 12:23 AM
- Zidane from FF9

"I do what I want! You have problem?"
- Quina from FF9

"How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we don't exist..."
- Vivi from FF9

"You don't need a reason to help people."
- Zidane from FF9

"Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?"
- Steiner from FF9

"Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself."
- Garnet from FF9

"The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty."
- Amarant from FF9

"To be forgotten is worse than death...."
- Freya from FF9

"I don't wanna be alone anymore..."
- Eiko from FF9

26-02-2006, 12:24 AM
-"I never forget a pretty girl's name" -Zidane

1. “We seek the meaning of life because we are mortal.”
,Philisopher Minu (Protection Bell Key Item)

2. “Let fear propel you forward. Do not let failure stifle you.”
=Iron-Tail Fratley= (World Map Key Item)

3. “The body may perish, but the spirit lives on.”
=Words on the Artifact= (Une’s Mirror Key Item)

4. “The Sly Eagle doesn’t kill at whim.” ,Zidane (Madain Sari)
(The deceitful eagle doesn’t attack on impulse.)

5. “Good food not only delicious, Good food made with heart! This very
important when cooking for friends...” ,Quina (Ending)

6. “Chivalry requires a knight to look after his comrades-in-arms. I will
not abandon you! And I shall follow you to kingdom come if I must. You
remember that!” ,Steiner (Pandemonium)

7. “World only have two things: Things you can eat and things you no can
eat.” ,Quina (Black Mage Village)

26-02-2006, 04:20 AM
Có mấy câu hơi nhảm, nhưng nói chung mấy ng đó sưu tập nhiều ghia hén. Tui nhớ câu mà Barret thường nói là :"What the hell is that!"

26-02-2006, 12:17 PM
Zell vui tinh ghê !!, Squall bên ngoài lạnh lùng nhưng bên trong của ảnh ít ai biết ....

27-02-2006, 12:32 AM
Ừm nhiều câu nhảm nhưng đa phần là thể hiện được tính cách nhân vật

Ben Omega
01-03-2006, 12:03 AM
Nhiều câu nói rất hay như Ben đã biết, nhưng post nhiều quá thành ra có nhiều câu hơi bị nhảm, còn về việc thể hiện tính cách nhân vật thì chỉ cần thông qua những câu nói thực sự nổi tiếng và thực sự hay thì đủ hiểu rồi, tránh đưa ra nhiều quá, vì thế sẽ ko hay đâu :)

02-03-2006, 07:20 AM
Đúng là lộn xộn thật... chẳng hỉu gì cả !
Có mấy câu hay thiệt, nhưng thấy mấy đoạn hội thọai trong KH là hay nhất.
Rồi câu nói của Sephiroth cảm động quá chừng (lúc ở trong chỗ của Jenova)
Đúng là tình mẫu tử thiên liêng

Ben Omega
03-03-2006, 12:41 PM
Có một bài thơ cực kỳ hay của KH nè, là lá thư mà Kairi gửi cho Sora đó :)

Thinking of you, wherever you are

We pray for our sorrows to end,
and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.

And who know,
starting a new journey may not be so hard
or maybe it has already begun.

There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky
one sky, one destiny.


12-03-2006, 09:28 PM
em thí Seph hơi bị tụi nghịp,huhu,nghe bài One-winged angel mà thí thương Seph dzo cùng,huhu,tụi nghịp Seph thịt.

15-03-2006, 08:55 AM
Ờ, có một câu đó, đại loại là 'Even if you end up as the world's enemy, I'll be your knight' - Squall FF8 => kết câu này dễ sợ

15-03-2006, 08:11 PM
Có câu này của Tidus nói với Yuna cũng được nè:
"It's touch when your father is famous"